
I’ve been wanting to go back to physical painting for a while. I have so many good memories of painting on big wooden boards, drinking tea, and being careful not to drop the paintbrush in the cup (which nevertheless happened more often than I can recall). So I got a scroll saw machine and reopened my box of oils. THIS IS FUN!


I still paint the draft digitally, colors, shades and all, which I find very practical (it’s also quick and it gives me an idea of the final result, even if I’ll improvise a bit on the way).

These COBRA oils are fantastic, they dry so fast and they are diluted with… water! I am so excited about all this!


  1. Captain Wolf

    Elle est très belle ! J’ai hâte de la voir terminée ( mais j’attendrai patiemment ^^)

    1. Kundry

      Merci! Oui, ca risque de prendre un petit moment!

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