The Digital Art Galleries:

New Adventures

The Soulful Path is an invitation to Adventure!

Autumn Magic!

The Soul Oracle Cards

The Beautiful Longing

The Gates of the Otherworld are always opened

The Digital Art Blog:

The Castle of Melusine

The Castle of Melusine In the Castle of Melusine, you are among friends. Melusine is the beneficent patroness of all those who love doing what they have set their hearts upon, in spite of being misunderstood, ignored or ostracised. It doesn’t matter that some frown upon the serpent’s tail she conceals when outside the Castle’s sheltering walls. It doesn’t matter if her children are misshapen or have more than two eyes. Melusine is generous in all that she does, and her heart brims with love for her children and her creations. She builds castles to provide a haven for all the creative souls who are neither supported nor encouraged in their quest.


Seaside Town

Will your heart allow you to enjoy to the fullest all the cosy delights of this seaside town? Or is your heart too burdened by defeat for a peaceful stroll along the shore? This is always the question: is this helpful? Is whatever you’re doing or thinking helping you get the best out of life? At the root of all fulfilment, there was help. Sometimes it was help from others, but always and most importantly, you helped your Self. You have the inner resources and necessary wisdom to be a source of help to your Self at all times. You only need to ask. Click on the image to enlarge.


Seaside Town

I am starting a new series of card for my Soul Oracle and this time, I chose my favourite format : panoramic! Click on the picture to enlarge


The Crown

Imagine within you a door to another world. The door is ajar, and through it, moods and impressions drift up to your consciousness. They are sometimes accompanied by images, smells or even sounds. If you choose to go through the door, you will discover a world that reflects the imaginative life of your Soul. It’s a world She composed for herself. An ideal world that abounds in wondrous tales, where all is as it should be. You can accept Her invitation to sit there for a time and simply contemplate. This is a sanctuary for love and intimacy, where your Soul’s blossoming unfurls in shifting scenes, numinous and potent with atmosphere. Now,


The Fey

What does Soul crave through you in this instant?  Can you unfurl your antennae and channel Soul’s spontaneous desires and aspirations?  Whatever Soul asks of you, be it stillness in chaos, or a fearless act in a frozen situation, you have to welcome Its demands.  Soul knows best. Save


Vasilisa the Wise

There is the Beginning you can remember; and there is the Beginning that, if you remember it at all, is something half-glimpsed in the elusive and fading fragment of a dream.  This is your long-ago Beginning, when you were a spirit, not yet incarnated.  The Spiral of Life beckoned, and you were so eager to enter it, because your self-belief was so potent that nothing could undermine your resolve to truly live.  You thirsted for adventures that would both challenge and fulfil, and you wanted to share them with your favourite companion: yourself.  You had no doubt that your unconditional love for yourself would lead you true, would be a shield against


Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga the Witch loves equally the fearsome wolf and the timid rabbit.  What she cannot abide is the impure of heart.  Yes, she is an eccentric, flirtatious and very disreputable old lady, but she is also a very hard worker.  Fierce and passionate, she sees the shining soul of every single thing, be it a bird, a broom, a snake, a cloud or a bone.    She is the centre of an entire enchanted world.  She is the wise  and just keeper of the Water of Life and Death. Save