1. neyrelle

    Superbe lumière dorée :))

  2. Reifyn

    Welcome back to the lovely land of ice. Loki is looking very surprised. Maybe he’s surprised you have come home after being away for a while.

    1. Kundry

      Thank you, Reifyn! And thank you for all the very insightful posts on your blog which I had the delight to read yesterday. You are so wise and I really mean it.
      I think Loki can’t still believe how happy he is.

      1. Reifyn

        That’s kind of you to say, Kundry: I’m glad if my posts have held meaning to you. You know on my feed reader just now I was going to click a picture there of a border collie in a snow landscape and it turned out to be someone else’s site altogether: actually a Norwegian who owns a border collie! It was very confusing for a moment. What tipped me off it wasn’t Loki was the streaks of reddish brown fur this dog had.
        I know you like Baba Yaga. I just made a post with a video link I think you’d like about her. I hope one day soon you have one of those hut-lanterns you were thinking of making. Consider 3 legs instead of 2: I always imagined it with 3, so it stands up better and can run in ANY direction without turning.

        1. Kundry

          ha!ha!ha! I can easily imagine your confusion! It happened to me on some occasions that Loki and I were joined by another border collie without any warning. It’s like one moment your dog is by the tree over there and the next second, he’s at your feet and suddenly your dog is in two places simultaneously! Until you realise there are actually two dogs and the more you look, the more of course, they look different. These border collies are tricksters.
          Baba Yaga’s my favourite goddess indeed. I suggested the 3 legs but she said that no creature has three legs, it’s just not possible. But she will think about it. Stay tuned ;-).

  3. Captain Wolf

    C’est magnifique. Ca doit être magique de voir ça. Même si j’ai froid rien qu’à voir les photos XD

    1. Kundry

      Il faut bien se couvrir bien sûr pour pouvoir profiter au maximum de la magie ;-).

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