A candle for Loki


I’ve been working on this mosaic for five months. I took my time, also because I didn’t want to finish it too soon, since this was a way for me to process my bottomless sadness over having lost Loki, my beloved dog. Today, I am still tearful when I think about how much I miss him. As I write this, tears are rolling down my cheeks. But I know we will be together again. This is my message to him as I light his candle. I wanted this little picture on the left to be appeasing, ethereal, but instead, it looks like a party is going on, like at a fairground, only in the beyond. There is something almost gypsy-like about it. Death, loss… and merriment.

I’m so grateful I got to see Loki again a number of times in my dreams and I will surely see him many times more until the final dream, the one we don’t wake up from, and I will follow him on the gypsy fairground in between the caravans and all the good smells.

Here is the mosaic, waiting to be printed and put on my wall:


I will now go into the details.

This pictures my home in The Beyond .


This is Loki with my Soulmate:


Loki and me:


Loki taking the journey to the Goblins’ Realm:


Loki and I in our domain, the wilderness. I represented the goddess of Lofoten in the mountain, she’s a giantess. I dreamed of her a few times.


A close-up of our dance:


Loki, the Green Dog:


Loki on a frosty morning with Morozko, Father Frost:


Loki and I jumping over streams (we were always synchronised):


Loki and Lucy. They met twice in my dreams:


Loki in my own Soul Boat. Our adventures together continue..


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  1. Corinne Papillon

    Wow, mes yeux pétillent d’émotion & d’émerveillement Anne…!

    1. Kundry

      Merci Corinne!Gros bisous!

  2. Captain Wolf

    Magnifique !! Il n’y a pas de mots pour décrire la rcihesse des détails et tout l’amour que tu ressens pour Loki et qui transparait si bien.

    1. Kundry

      Merci Captain Wolf!

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