This morning I was able at last to drive my little family to a nice place which we used to visit fairly often with Loki when we lived close by. So many good memories… Our walk was magical and the sun came out just for us, as a special treat. Lucy loved the driving, her paws on the dashboard, not missing one thing, but unfortunately, she threw up. It will take some time for her to get used to it. But she definitely enjoyed visiting new places immensely.
Hello dear Kundry, this is Ricardo through my ‘wordpress’ account. Pour Lucy, I’m sure she will get used to the driving trips soon. If I ever visit you guys, I promise I won’t throw up in your car. Hugs!
Thank you, dear Ricardo :-)! I hope she will, I know some dogs never get used to it, that would be terrible. In the meantime, we’re going to make some ginger biscuits for her, I’ve read ginger can help. Hugs too!