Figure head finished, I just have to add some beads. She is detachable, so I can create copies of her but with different clothes/moods. I still have many things I want to add to the boat. I’m glad it’s not over yet.

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I freshened up my blog. I solved all the little bugs, trashed many things and established a good base. I can now just add things and reorganise some more but there is no rush. That was my gardening for this year!
I know it’s quite dense but I’m not known for my minimalist tendencies, ha!ha!ha! It’s absolutely not mobile phone friendly but it’s all right, there’s Facebook to show my stuff in a sober way.
As I said before, I’m also very excited about having my dreams showcased in fancy slides. They deserve no less.
I was actually going to abandon the whole idea of a blog but I was a bit saddened by this because I’ve been running a blog for 20 years. I’m glad I gave it a second chance. Although, there aren’t many visitors, but it doesn’t matter, I’m doing it for me.

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Today, looking for some shade in the woods… It’s 17 degrees!

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This moss was incredible, the most perfect moss I’ve ever seen.


  1. Isabelle Georgelin

    Bonsoir Kundry,

    Très contente de lire que tu continues ce blog absolument magique et inspirant!
    La semaine dernière en lisant tes interrogations j’ai voulu te laisser un message pour te dire que ce site est une vraie pépite mais impossible de te laisser un message…Nous allons donc pouvoir continuer nos balades et contempler tes magnifiques oeuvres, ouvrages, enfin tes merveilleuses créations !
    Très bonne soirée,

    1. Kundry

      Merci Isabelle!Ca m’a pris du temps pour trouver comment mettre les commentaires, ils avaient disparu dans tout ce foutoir!Je suis bien contente que tu aimes mon site! Gros bisous!

      1. Isabelle Georgelin

        Bonsoir Kundry!
        Ce nouveau diaporama est juste sublime! Et ton site est ludique et féerique! Merci à toi de tout coeur!
        Bises et bonne soirée!

        1. Kundry

          Merci Isabelle! Je suis vraiment ravie de lire ton commentaire! Ca valait le coup d’y passer autant de temps! Gros bisous!

  2. jo

    good morning Lovely Kundry. I’m very happy you are continuing with your blog as it gives me so very much pleasure. Your art, the landscape , pictures of you and the girls and all the WATER are a delight to me. So i am incredibly glad all is fixed. Nice to be able to comment again too. The figure head is stunning. Did you paddle in the blue water? it looks so inviting. Love to you, Jo xxx

    1. Kundry

      Thank you, dear Jo! I’m trying to do too many things, so posting was becoming very scarce but a nice and clean blog encourages me to invest more into it. The water is very inviting indeed, but it’s a lure, it is so cold it hurts.Hugs!

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