I have been renovating my working space in my bedroom and I am very pleased with my reorganisation. I’m glad I have now these side shelves for my laptop and my graphic tablet which brings me so much joy. I rearranged my altar accordingly and I love it. It’s all connected somehow. The bed is like a fortress or a Gypsy caravan. I had to glue a good carpet on the dog ramp though. The girls love this very special place. The bed is higher, the view better. And it’s also more manageable at night when the girls insist on sleeping in the middle.

Mostly, I’ve just been sitting here, taking in everything. This is a magical place. I’m in no hurry to start drawing. I’m just contemplating all the blissful hours I’m going to spend at this table.

My darling Pixie ❤️💖💕. Every time I take her to the vet, all the lady vets can’t stop kissing her on the head.

Play Video Play Video

We had quite the hurricane, but we finally got electricity back after two days and two nights . These two girls have been so brave, enduring low temperatures like 9 or 11 degrees. We survived all wrapped in coats and blankets.

It felt like “living” in a coffin. Why some people would like to go back to this lifestyle is beyond me.

Coming home, back from work, being welcome by this magical sight:

Preparing breakfast, greeting my icicles.

I’m now working on the last quarter of this panoramic painting (other half not shown here). I’m so looking forward to painting the clothes of these three sisters, adding lanterns, teapots and cakes. This painting is not even finished yet, but these three witches are already taking bookings for their B&B. See, there’s a red phone on the bottom right corner.
If only I could remember the number…

I love spending hours on details like these:

An aurora from start to finish

The beautiful weather is back!


  1. Isabelle Georgelin

    Bonjour Kundry!
    Un changement qui à l’air de convenir au filles! La photo de neige devant la maison fait rêver!

    1. Kundry

      Merci Isabelle! Oui, les filles adorent le lit, c’est notre forteresse imprenable!Mais comme elles continuent de dormir au milieu,je suis soulagée d’avoir un peu plus de place.

      1. Isabelle Georgelin

        Bonjour Kundry,
        Je suis contente de pouvoir t’écrire à nouveau car je ne pouvais pas te laisser de message (problème technique ?) lors de tes derniers post!
        Je t’avais mis un mot sur le site du salon de thé dans la rubrique photos!
        Bonne journée,

        1. Kundry

          Merci Isabelle, j’ai effectivement eu des problemes techniques, beaucoup de choses ne fonctionnaient plus mais maintenant tout semble être rentré dans l’ordre. Bonne soirée et au plaisir de te lire!

  2. Lune Rose

    J’adore ton intérieur et ta déco. C’est super chaleureux !
    Par contre, les photos de l’extérieur me donne froid rien qu’à les regarder XD

    1. Kundry

      Merci Lune Rose! Justement, j’adore ce genre de contraste!

  3. jo

    Hello Lovely Kundry! I have just been alerted to this post which i somehow missed despite it landing in my email. glad to hear you are warm and cosy again in your home. while you have been living in a ‘coffin’ i have been living in a ‘pizza oven’ for most of the year and it looks set to continue for some time. luckily we can spend our morning from about 6am – 7am at the beach. it is already really hot at that time of the morning. so your posts which are always wonderful are even more so now with the beautiful photos and video of snow and twilight skies. but the icicles! oh the icicles. so incredible. ahh i feel a teensy tiny bit cooler for having seen this gorgeous post. thank you dear Kundry. love to you, joxxx

    1. Kundry

      Thank you dear Jo! I’m glad my icicles could help! Living in a pizza oven must be truly dreadful. It’s great you can enjoy the morning at the beach!Love to you too.

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