I have been working on a new diorama, a witch and her familiars. There’s going to be a lot of elements on the portal, handmade books, pop-up cards and so much more. I have started working on the first little book, it’s 5x5cm, really tiny, so I have to sharpen my coloured pencils all the time. I really love coloured pencils since I’ve never felt comfortable with brushes. There will be a few little books but all in a different style. For the next one, I would like to experiment with gouache.

The first witches for the little book:
Happy New Year!
May you have tons of FUN, no worries and no guilt about it (while still being responsible of course). Also, optimal health, it always helps.
And of course, spread the magic…
The Snowy town is still a work in progress but it won’t be long now until it is finally finished.
Yooperlite in the UV light and fairy string of fluorite

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