I made a little harp for the boat. It will have to go on the roof, too big for the deck. But it’s allright, it will be nice to play up there surrounded by plants and seagulls. With Dragon.

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Four videos! This weather is incredible. Fortunately, the vegetation here seems to be enjoying it. I’ve never seen it growing so high.

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  1. Lune Rose

    Cette harpe est trop belle !

    1. Kundry

      Merci Lune Rose! C’est difficile les collages en 3D!

  2. Jo

    Ahhh so many GREENS…fantastic. and the water, oh the water. Do you ever see anyone swimming? L&P looking very happy and healthy. Hope you are the same dear Kundry. I Love the harp. I also really like it when you include pictures of where you create with your pencils and paints and bits n bobs. Love to you, jo xxx

    1. Kundry

      Thank you, dear Jo! The water is very inviting indeed but no one ever bathes here. Only my Loki used to bathe here. People prefer the beach, but still very few bathe, the temperature is around 10 degrees. I love sitting at my table, I love the feeling of it. It is a very sacred space… Hugs

  3. Isabelle Georgelin

    Bonjour Kundry,

    Merci pour toutes ces balades en compagnies des filles qui ont la pêche! Cette harpe donne envie d’y laisser courir ses doigts …Et le bateau est surprenant, original et somptueux! Donc toujours et pour mon plus grand bonheur une invitation au voyage!
    Bises et bonne journée!

    1. Kundry

      Merci Isabelle!Voyager en rêve est ma spécialité ;-)

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