I think I neglected my blog because it’s bugging, and it’s becoming increasingly complicated, I just don’t have that kind of time. It is very frustrating when after each update, the customisations you had made just turn into something else. Working on this blog can be so time consuming and expensive. I even considered quitting. Now, I’m not sure. I will think about it.

This was taken today. The last sunny day was perhaps one month ago, so today was very much appreciated. With the girls, we even lingered, laying down in the long grass. But it’s still quite cool, merely 8 degrees.

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I’m working on a 3D paper Soul Boat. It is nearly finished, although it could still take a few weeks more. I will add a figure head,some books, beads, lanterns, cushions and plants in pots… among other things. It’s  been fun!

I’ve made a few dioramas. I was planning to compile them in a book, but I have to give it more thought.So many possibilities.

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You can never have too many hats!


  1. Lune Rose

    Pas cool les bugs de ton blog. Je comprends que ça ne te motive pas à poster.
    L’été a mis du temps à arriver ici aussi, mais il est bien là depuis quelques jours.
    Tes dioramas et ton bâteau sont absolument magnifiques !
    J’adore tes chapeaux. Sur ces photos, tu ressembles à une elfe de Brian Froud !

    1. Kundry

      Ca fait plaisir de te lire à nouveau! Je suis en train de tout revamper, c’est galère, mais ca en avait besoin. Merci pour tous tes adorables commentaires!

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