The Digital Art Galleries:

New Adventures

The Soulful Path is an invitation to Adventure!

Autumn Magic!

The Soul Oracle Cards

The Beautiful Longing

The Gates of the Otherworld are always opened

The Digital Art Blog:


Behind every mask, there is separateness and a whole truth that can only be expressed in fragments.  Masks are only the surface.  They can be crippling, if we identify too desperately with a mask that denies our totality.  But they can just as easily reveal something extraordinary and creative about who we are.  In the end, though, we have no control over what others perceive. Save Save Save

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The Boat

The Soul sails your boat through this life and into the Beyond with barely a sigh at the body’s passing.  She is without fear, and has nothing to lose because She will never die.  She is our most precious friend, although we are not always Hers.  Her language is that of the deep, and we must listen closely to the Figurehead, who articulates the otherwise unfathomable, a guide to those who learn to listen.  So ignore the Figurehead’s messages at your peril: lose your Soul, and you are left to drift, the speech of the sea and what lies beneath lost to you, the treasures of the deep diminished to an obscure

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The Lantern

The Lantern is a warm and glowing cocoon where we can replenish our strength in quietude.  A small sanctuary that works its magic like a luminous mandala.  Light the Lantern every day. Save Save

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You found a little bubble of pristine joy that no needling sense of guilt or cynicism can prick.  Give yourself over to it – audaciously, drunkenly, lovingly – with or without champagne.  For we all need a sparkling gift of gold once in a while to wash away the gritty layers of our catastrophising and our melodramas. Save Save

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Black Sheep takes his commitment to his flock very seriously.  He tends to their well-being with a heavy heart – a heart that wouldn’t be so heavy, if theirs weren’t so light.  (Or is it the opposite?)  Be careful how you compensate for the unbalanced behaviour of others. Save Save

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The Bell

When quiet deadens everything, ring the Bell. And in so doing, send a ripple of magic chiming through all the worlds.  Wherever it touches, it echoes back to you transformed, resounding with wisdom and messages of fondness.  This is attunement. Save Save

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The Wave

Your power is surging, and you have summoned the Wave.  You are now ready to experience everything the Wave brings in its wake.  Come and play with the Wave, which is just as exhilarated as you.  Make it happen. Save Save

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The Water of Life says, “We”.  She lovingly shapes the most ancient life forms, and flows into even the tiniest of spaces.  Her embrace unifies all creatures, from far and near, in a single flow.  A low tide here becomes high there, but Water, always, creates pure and fluid harmony. Save Save

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